I have tried the chores thing with the child a couple of times but it hasn't stuck. The first time I made it overly complicated with this chart that showed how much he would make per chore if it was done on a certain day and how the money would go down each day afterward. I think he was 6, this left a bad taste in his mouth for chores. So then I started to write down his behavior and the things we did together or that I bought him on a calendar to show him just what he gets for being good and when he is helpful. Like taking out the trash or cleaning the bathroom sink or whatever else I could think of.
Well now he has decided he is going to clean the whole house in the hopes of making $25 a week cleaning. He has already cleaned the bathroom, including the toilet which was always a argument before. He cleaned the kitchen, including the stove which I wasn't going to ask to clean but he did. He says he is going to do the living room tomorrow and he will also do the laundry.
My first reaction was I really don't want to give him $25/week to clean when I have been doing it for free for years. Then I started to think wow $25 a week is cheaper than any cleaning service I could hire so maybe this will work out for both of us. I get the house cleaned and he gets to earn some money. And an added bonus he will learn how to clean up after himself so hopefully when he is an adult and on his own his will not live in a stereotypical messy bachelor pad.
Only time will tell how long this will last but while it lasts I will enjoy it :)