Sunday, December 26, 2010


Merry Christmas...a tad late, sorry. I hope all had a good Christmas and Santa brought everyone what they wished for.

I am pretty proud of myself for not going over board with the monster this year. I bought him an Xbox 360 (along with my brother) and one game. Plus he got his Santa gifts/stocking which made for a pretty decent Christmas. Here he is opening the Rob Dyrdek Box from Santa which included 2 wild grinders and a DVD he wanted but when he saw the box he thought Santa brought him cleaning supplies, LOL. Maybe next year Santa will bring him stuff to clean with.

But the biggest thing from this Christmas was that his dad came through with 2 DVD's he wanted and sent him a card with cash in it which the monster has promptly started spending...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Paranoid mom moment...

Yesterday on a whim the monster asks to go ice skating and we went. He skated, I watched this time (I need new skates). He comes in after maybe 5 minutes because he fell down and hit his head. His cheek was a little red and I could see a bump but otherwise I thought he was ok. So back out he went for the rest of the 2 hour session.

Now to the paranoia of last night: As I was getting into bed I all of a sudden started to worry that maybe he was concussed and I didn't realize it so I climbed into bed with him. Mind you the child sleeps in a twin bunk bed so I couldn't sit up strait to get comfortable and then both 20 lb cats climbed into bed too!! It was a bit cramped so finally at 4:20 AM the monster asks if he could have his bed back bc he was worried he was going to fall.

At this point I am uncomfortable and have decided he is not concussed so I go to my own bed. Then this morning he asks why I slept in his bed last night. Ahh ... do I tell him I am nuts and possibly freak him out or ignore the question, guess which one I chose, just ignore the question.

His face is starting to bruise and he is saying he hurt himself during hockey practice while in reality he was trying to skate backwards...I will let him have this one bc in his mind I guess backwards skating is hockey practice.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Here's how to tell he's grown...

Dec 10 ---->

<----Dec 09

You can barely see his head over the base at his first concert now a year later he has grown so much :)
Makes me so happy to know that he is growing!! I hope that height is the last recessive
trait he gets as his father and I are both around 5'!

BTW he rocked this years band concert. He not only got to play the base again but had a
speaking part, and a bells duet. He was so pumped afterwards he wants to have yet another
speaking part but a solo next time. Then this weekend he played at church...
he's really enjoying this.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jock Strap....

Alone these two words are innocuous enough but put them together and for a single mom putting them together is utterly terrifying...
The monster is in Karate and needed sparring gear witch includes a jock strap and cup. So off we went to this random store in Baltimore one of the other mom's told me about. So we walk into this hole in the wall store with an older Asian woman helping and adult couple as I am asking So armed with my list we start poking around and find a bin of 1/2 price items, score. Most of what he needed was in there. Once the lady is free she helps us get the rest of what he needs. She asks what size jock strap he would need, I tell her I don't know, he's a size 12 regularly, does that help? She walks to the back and comes back with what she assures me will fit him. So off we go with all our new loot.
Now he's got the jock strap/cup combo so I call my dad to ask him about this thing bc I am not sure how he is supposed to wear it: over or under his undies? My father, being the lovely person he is says: you never helped a boyfriend in high school with his? OMG dad, thanks! And no I did not. In the mean time the monster is next to me laughing about his "weenie protector" which my dad hears and starts laughing to.
In the end my father is laughing to hard as is the monster next to me so I take the monster to my parents for my dad to go over the whole jock strap thing bc I have no idea and had given up with all the giggling between my dad and the monster.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving...a week late but not a dollar short...

In what I think may become a tradition the monster and I went over to my parents to help peel the apples for Thankgiving dinner. Above is the monster with my mom, no he is not that tall (yet) but standing on a stool. Although my mom is that short...
As with every year we had to go to both families mine and his dad's side. His cousin turned 1 on Thanksgiving Day and his aunt who moved to Mexico came home for Thanksgiving so he stayed with his dads family on Wed night which meant no parade watching for us :( But he had a good time which is what is important.
After he ate with his dads family we went to my parents and got to eat our applesauce. It was a nice day for all and he enjoyed his week off from school.